Hercules left Thebes. Along with his nephew, Iolaus, he went to Mycenae to serve Eurystheus. Eurystheus, who feared Hercules, has sent him to accomplish twelve labors, meaning twelve difficult feats, hoping that he would be killed in one of them.

The first labor of Hercules was to kill the Nemean lion. This vicious monster was grown up by Hera. Its skin was so tough that the iron arrows could not penetrate. The lion lived in a cave with two entrances, on the side of a mountain, near Nemea. Every day, the lion was going down to the valley to devour animals and humans. The inhabitants were desperate and did not dare to go to the countryside.

Hercules, on his way to Nemea, passed by the sacred grove of the city, cut an oleaster and from its trunk he made a heavy club. Then, he went to the cave and waited for the lion to show. When it showed, Hercules started throwing his arrows. The arrows fell to earth, without wounding the lion. Then, the lion attacked Hercules and Hercules hit it with the club. The lion hurt and hid in its cave. Then, Hercules gathered large stones, blocked one entrance of the cave and entered the other. The animal roared and the whole mountain trembled. It rushed at the hero and they fought for an hour. Finally, Hercules put his hands around the lion’s neck and strangled it. Then, he cut off the animal’s pelt, wore it and returned to Mycenae. When Eurystheus saw him, he was so scared that he ordered to build a bronze storage jar to hide when threatened.

Product Details

Code: 081

Dimensions: 14x23cm

Colors: White, Black, Brown